This week is Catholics Schools Week and the theme for this year is ‘Care for Our Common Home’. You can find lots of information here. One special part of Catholic Schools Week is Grandparents Day so here are a few ideas based around Grandparents Day.

A Project on my Grandparents

  • Names
  • When were they born
  • Where did they live? Where do they live now?
  • Where did they go to school?
  • How many brothers/sisters do they have?
  • Where do they work?
  • Pictures of grandparents


Acrostic poetry



Things my Grandparents have taught me

Children can list all the things they have learned from their grandparents and share them with the class or teach something they learned.

What was life like when you were my age?

This could be a great History project; children could chat to their grandparents about when they were the same age as the child and then think about how life has changed or what has remained the same.

  • What was school like? How has school changed?
  • Describe your house where you grew up
  • What chores did you have to do?
  • What hobbies did you have?

Where did they come from?

This could be a great Geography project using a map of Ireland or a map of the world where each child could mark the place where their grandparents came from. They could then do a project on this place.