Group Reward Systems work really well in many classrooms. They encourage team work, working together, encouraging one another and a little bit of friendly competition.

Here are some ideas;

Whole Class

Marbles in a jar

Children are rewarded for positive behaviour – when the jar is full they get a reward e.g. a night off homework, golden time, extra P.E. etc.

Blurt Beans

If you have a particularly chatty class – these could work well. If the class manage to keep their chatting to a minimum or remember to put their hands up and not blurt out then they get ‘blurt beans’. Once they reach one of the targets  – they get a chosen reward.

Students vs Teacher

This is a fantastic whole class reward system. The students work together vs the teacher. If the students get the most points – they get a chosen reward.

Brownie Points

I love this idea! The children have to earn brownie points and at the end get to make brownies.

Group Rewards

At the end of the week, the winning group earn a reward. Some ideas can include;

  • Certificate
  • Homework Pass
  • Lucky Dip
  • Golden Time
  • Choice Time
  • Prize
  • Lining up first
  • First choice in the library/jobs etc.

Class Dojo

Class Dojo can be used as an individual or group reward system. It is very easy to add points using the computer or an app on your phone. It is very easy to see which group has the most points at the end of the week. You can also deduct points for inappropriate behaviour.


Group Points

This can be organised in many different ways – tallies, stickers, points. Just walking towards the display instantly reminds children of the expected behaviours.