Here are some sample answers for learning support and resource interviews.
What’s the difference between learning support and resource?
Learning support is provided for children who are struggling with literacy and numeracy and got below average stens in their recent standardised assessments. Children who have a diagnosis of dyslexia may also receive learning support hours.
Children with a diagnosis of emotional/behavioural difficulties, ASD, ADHD etc. from a psychologist/psychiatrist receive resource hours.
Find more information here.
What role do parents play?
Parents play an extremely important role. Parents know their child best and can offer an insight into their child’s talents and strengths as well as the issues they need support with. They can offer advice on what works best at home.
What would you do the first week back in September?
I would get to know the child. I would spend some time in the child’s classroom observing them and their interactions with their teacher and peers. I would read through the reports. I’d do further research about the diagnosis and I would have an introductory meeting with their parents.
How would you develop a resource timetable?
I would get to know the children and see when the child’s works best/ needs most support (maybe after lunch). I work co-ordinate with the class teacher to ensure that the child doesn’t miss the same lessons. I’d also co-ordinate with the learning support teacher. I’d then see which programmes/social groups/movement groups that the child should be part of.
What would you say to a parent who asked for advice about giving their child medicine for ADHD such as ‘Ritalin’?
I would explain that as I’m not a medical professional, I would not know what is best medically for their child and I would encourage them to speak to the doctor/ psychologist/ psychiatrist.