Hello there! I hope you’ve enjoyed the other two subbing series posts! Today’s post is all about what to bring with you. This is based on my own experience and may be different for everyone but it’s definitely a good place to start.
The below is a list of documents that I would recommend bringing with you especially to a new school. You may not need every item listed but it’s no harm to have them with you. (For PPS/Bank details – you don’t need a document but you may need to provide these to be paid.)
Statutory Declaration
Garda Vetting
Your bank details
Your PPS number
Photo ID
Powerpoints/ Transition ideas etc.
- I personally like using powerpoint. I think creating a powerpoint about yourself is a really good idea as it’s one of the first things you could cover when you meet a new class. Children love hearing about their teacher so it’s important to introduce yourself.
- A powerpoint with a plan or overview of the day is also really useful. I’d also include transition/early finisher/ filler activities and games in the powerpoint.
- I would use Google Drive/ Dropbox to keep everything together and a USB drive is useful to have in case there is an internet problem.
- I find websites like Teaching Ideas or Primary Resources really good for powerpoint presentations and ideas for a range of class levels.
- A Pinterest account with some saved ideas for each class level is also really useful.
I usually use Google Drive/Dropbox.
It’s also no harm bringing your laptop with you just in case their isn’t one in the classroom (or the class teacher has brought it home and is absent unexpectedly).
Stickers/Prize box/ Certificates are really useful for classroom management especially for younger classes.
Other bits and bobs
I think paper is something really useful to have in your bag for art lessons. It’s highly likely that this will be available in most classrooms but sometimes could be locked away.
I always use a whistle for P.E. so I would highly recommend having one with you in case it’s a P.E. day or in case you have to cover a yard duty.
I use a timer for everything in my classroom so I wouldn’t be without one when subbing either!
Always useful to bring your own (especially at the moment with Covid). I’d bring pens/pencils/highlighters/ scissors/ whiteboard markers etc.
Masks, hand sanitiser, wipes are essential at the moment.