I left college in 2011, sent thousands of application forms and subbed in lots of different schools but job prospects were awful. I was lucky to get a part time resource position from January – March and then a full time resource position for the rest of the year. Following this, I got a temporary mainstream position and completed my Dip. I then moved to England for a year and this is now my third year teaching in Dublin. I had supplementary panel rights last year but received a CID contract in my school. It took me 5-6 years to get a permanent position. This blog post gives a quick overview of how you can get a permanent teaching position in Ireland.
Once the main and supplementary panels clear there may be some permanent jobs left. These will then be advertised on Education Posts and are open for all to apply.
Supplementary Panel
Once you work 3 x 183 days, are on a certain point of the scale, and have a job until the end of the year you qualify for Supplementary Panel rights. You can read more about the requirements for this year here.
Contract of Indefinite Duration
Once you have completed 2 full years in the same school and there is a further position (must be temporary) for the third year – your principal can apply for a CID for you. A CID is the equivalent of a permanent position. You can read more about it here!