Equivalent Fractions – Matching Game


A set of cards focussing on equivalent fractions. Perfect to revise equivalent fractions in a fun way with your class! There is an a4 page for each fraction e.g. half and then 4 pages (16 cards) with equivalent fractions so the children need to simplify to find the matching fraction.



A set of cards focussing on equivalent fractions. Perfect to revise equivalent fractions in a fun way with your class! There is an a4 page for each fraction e.g. half and then 4 pages (16 cards) with equivalent fractions so the children need to simplify to find the matching fraction.

Some ways to use this resource

  • Matching activity – find the fractions which can be simplified to 1/2 etc.
  • Compare fractions (take a selection of cards from the pack and compare with your partner – could make this into a game whereby both children reveal their card at the same time and the player with the bigger fraction wins and keeps both cards)
  • Order fractions – smallest to largest/ largest to smallest
  • Children take 1 fraction and write as many equivalent fractions as they can.


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