Over the last couple of months I’ve purchased a few sets of Jenga blocks from Smyths and Mr. Price. I had previously bought a big box of Jenga which I wrote times tables on and have used them tons of times with my class and they love them. I find it is a great way to practise times tables in a fun way. This got me thinking about other games or versions I could create involving Jenga so I’ve now created a number of different Jenga Games covering a variety of areas.
Instead of writing the question on each Jenga block however, I have just painted each side of the block in a colour (I choose purple, green, pink and orange) and I have created cards (using these colours). This means that I only need 1 set of Jenga blocks rather than 1 set for each topic or area that we are covering.
1. The children will build a Jenga tower using a number of each colour of block.
2. The children will arrange the cards by colour.
3. The children will remove a Jenga piece.
4. The children will pick one of the cards (of that colour) and answer the question.
5. The children will place the Jenga block on top of the pile. If they answered the question correctly – they will keep the card. If they answered the question incorrectly then they must return the card to the bottom of the pile.
6. The winner is the child who has the most cards at the end of the game.
Great for early finishers, station teaching or small group work!
This set covers Addition and Subtraction.
Could also be used as a matching game.