Place Value Notation Boards (1st – 6th class)


Place Value is one of the most important topics in Maths. Use these notation boards (with digit cards) to ensure the children in your class really understand the concept!



Place Value is one of the most important topics in Maths. Use these notation boards (with digit cards) to ensure the children in your class really understand the concept!

Place Value is one of the first areas that is covered in maths books each year. Sometimes it can be tempting to just race through the chapter as it often appears that the children understand the concept but then later with different topics it’s obvious that their knowledge is not fully secure. I found the children in my class could show me different numbers, tell me the value of digits in the numbers but then when it came to adding 10/30/50 or 500/700 etc. they struggled and there was even more confusion with multiplying by 10 and 100.

Traditionally I’ve found that when I multiply by 10 or 100 I move the decimal point one space to the right and when I divide by 10/100 I move the decimal place one step to the left and visually this is what happens however this leads to confusion and misunderstanding of the concept and the importance of place value. This is why I’ve been doing a huge amount of practice using these notation boards with my class. I think they are something which can be used throughout the school year, particularly when covering the topic of place value but also as a concrete material as children can use digit cards and physically move them etc. and also for mental maths warm up etc.

The boards are suitable from 1st to 6th class – there’s nearly 50 different templates depending on the objectives for the class including both whole numbers and decimals in black and white and also in colour. There are also ‘ones’ or ‘units’ available depending on the maths language used in your school. They are also divided by class level (as per curriculum objectives)



Also includes digit cards



  • Make the number
  • Using the digits 3, 8, 2 – what’s the largest/smallest number you can make?
  • Increase the number by 10/500/3000 etc.
  • Decrease the number by 20/400/7000 etc.
  • Multiply/Divide the number by 10/100/1000 etc.

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