I’ve received a number of messages asking how I set up reading groups in my classroom so here is a quick overview.
I have divided my class into four groups based on ability (I based this on teacher observation and the children are aware that the groups are not fixed – I call children by name to read with me.)
I do reading groups 3 times a week; Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Group 1: Reads with Teacher
Group 2: Comprehension
Group 3: Word Study
Group 4: Learning Support Time
I read with each group 3 times per week. (There are between 6 and 9 children in each groups.)
Reading with the Teacher;
We use our class reading book/activity book (Currently, we are using Reading Zone). The stories are 2-3 pages long so its the perfect length.
Each child reads a paragraph and I stop and ask questions throughout the text. Children can also stop and ask questions/share observations or ideas. We practice one of the comprehension skills; predicting, visualising, inferencing, summarising, questioning etc.
Children complete ‘Comprehension Quickie’ activities. (These are short comprehensions and the children answer questions based on the text)
Sometimes, the children answer questions based on the story they have read in Reading Zone.
Word Study;
Children complete grammar activities (from my Grammar Activities Pack) or from an activity in their Reading Zone.
Children write sentences using the key words from the sentence.
Children do ‘magpie’ work – where they write a list of words for said/went or write a list of verbs or openers for stories etc.
When the children return from learning support, I read with them too. (So it takes 1 hour altogether – 15 minutes on each activity)
So far this has been working really well and the children really enjoy it too!