Hi everyone,
Facebook just reminded me that this day 3 years ago (30th January 2013) I completed my dip! So I’ve had a few messages about how to structure different lessons. This post will be about how to structure an Irish lesson.
I start most Irish lessons with a game. This is mainly a revision of phrases and vocabulary that we have covered in previous lessons throughout the year. I start by throwing a ball and asking a question;
- Dia duit
- Conas ata tú?
- Cad is ainm duit?
- Cá bhfuil tú i do chónaí?
- Cén aois tú?
The children then answer these questions. After a few turns I choose a child to be the teacher and ask the questions.
Scéal agus geaitsí
Tell the children a story as Gaeilge and they have to do the actions.
Dhúisigh mé ar a hocht a chlog. Rith mé síos an staighre agus d’ith mé m’bhricfeasta. Ansin shiuil mé suas an staighre agus chuir mé m’éadaí orm. Scuab mé m’fhiacla agus chuaigh mé síos an staighre arís. Rinne mé ceapaire agus chuir mé mo lón isteach sa mhála scoile. Chuala mé cnag ar an doras, d’oscail mé an doras – Pól a bhí ann. Chuamar amach agus ritheamar go dtí an scoil.
This is a great way to practice verbs and to assess the childrens understanding at the same time.
Bígí ag
Call out a verb and the children then do the action. Great to get children active!
- Bígí ag rith.
- Bígí ag snámh.
- Bígí ag ithe.
Deir Ó Grádaigh
Simon Says – great to practice verbs, body parts, places in the class etc.
New vocab/phrases
Games are great to get children interested – I always try to do at least 1 per lesson. Next it’s time to introduce new vocab and phrases. It is best to introduce these using pictures, mime, actions and drama and to try (as much as possible) to avoid using English.
Once you have introduced the new vocab/phrases it is now time to practice them. The children can do actions, work in 2’s or in a small group for a rólimirt/drama. Have a whole class game of ‘Cad a thóg mé?’ ‘Conas a déarfá’ (show a picture) etc. (Walk around and listen as the children are using the new vocabulary/phrases – check for pronunciation and understanding etc.)
During this time, I also sometimes write key words/phrases on the board and ask the children to write them and draw a picture (showing their understanding) in their Gaeilge copy.
Revise what was covered in the lesson – correct any mistakes that you noticed during the rólimirt/drama/ writing.