This blogpost was written last year.
So what do you do that first day? I’m going to break the day into 3 chunks – Morning, After Break, After lunch.
- Go to the yard to collect the children and bring them into their new classroom. (Remember that most parents especially those with children in younger classes will be there so make sure to smile and look calm (even if you are really nervous- thats natural)
- Bring the children to the classroom. Here you have 3 options
- Assigned seats – have names on each seat (children spend first 5 minutes finding where they sit)
- Let children choose their own seat (Great to see friendship groups)
- Sit on the floor
- Get to know them. This is the perfect chance to have a chat (tell me about your summer), tell me your name and 1 thing about you.
- Myself worksheet Fordes Classroom (Free download)
- Classroom supplies hunt (Find out where things are kept/stored)
After Break
- Class expectations – what makes a good teacher/good student (brainstorm)
- List class rules (what class rules should we have – why?) (Choose 5 most important)
- Show children where and how to line up in class/on the yard.
- Explain Class Dojo (Behaviour Management System)
- Sort books and copies – label and name
- Perfect Page – how do I layout my work (Literacy/Numeracy) See more here.
After lunch
- Art activity – collage of my favourite things
- Music – call and response songs
- Games – getting to know you/ice breakers